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Cosmic View



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I proudly present to you:
Cosmic View
by your friendly neighbourhood Michelman(n) :spidey:

I have always wanted to create galaxies :)
and yes, I have always wanted to write a spiderman related pun like the one above..

:bulletred:Technical Details:
:bulletblue:Original Dimensions: 5000x3750px @ 300dpi
:bulletblue:approx 30 hours of work
:bulletblue:wacom intuos3 a5

:bulletred:Personal comment:
This started as a totally different concept, but turned out to be a galaxy-ish one after all.
I know, a planetary constellation like this is completely impossible, but still, at least it was fun creating it.
Hope you like it!

p.s.: This is a small test concerning file compression.
The wallpaperpack will be super small (~2,5mb), but with the same amount of wallpaperpower! :)


Also, check out the print version - it's signed :o :D

Thanks for the constructive criticism Tobi and my brother, Marcel!
© 2008 - 2024 gucken
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CalagrianKnight's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

This is almost like a glimpse into what the human race is going to explore in our universe. However, who knows when that will be, cause it sure as heck isn't gonna be any time soon knowing today's people. As long as we don't destroy each other before then, this could be our future. This is an excellent piece of art, absolutely astounding. Nothing I have seen on this website could even come close to being as enlightening as this. It's just that amazing. Now that I have already said all I want to say, I'm just adding in filler text. Keep up the good work.